Before purchasing your first project on Fiverr, use the referral. Once you make your first purchase $5 will be credited to your referrer's account. You may not make any money on this referral directly, but what goes around, comes around. Enter your referral code once you register, so the next person can send $5 your way!
Referrals get $0.5 when they sign up. You earn 5% of their earnings for life. Post jobs or complete job tasks and get paid. Refer friends to your down line to get 5% of their referral earnings/deposits. Minimum withdrawal is $10, and they have multiple payout methods including PayPal. This is Available in most countries if not all.
A Lili customer will earn $10.00 for each friend who successfully signs up for a Lili account via your referral link and completes one (1) in-store or online transaction with their Lili Visa debit card worth a minimum of $10.00. In addition, your friend will also receive a $5.00 bonus.
When friends of yours join through your specific referral link, you’ll earn 10% of each approved job they complete, up to a maximum of $10 per invite.